Dependent care flexible spending accounts

On November 12, 2019, Posted by , In Benefits,Open enrollment,Taxes, By ,, , With Comments Off on Dependent care flexible spending accounts

This post had “Coming soon” as its text for way longer than I’d intended. Why? Because with kids in the picture, things never go as planned. Fortunately for the part of this that was due to a kiddo being home sick for 4 days in a row, from a child…

Tax basics

On October 23, 2019, Posted by , In Diagrams,Taxes, By , , With Comments Off on Tax basics

Taxes are a fact of life, affecting all of us every day in some way or another. They are the way our layers of government obtain money for their undertakings, whether those are undertakings you agree with or not. That includes everything from national defense to the retiree down the…