Should I cash out my pension?
Last time we talked about why you can’t peer into the future, to see what the value of your lump sum payout would be if you retired on a certain (post-November) date. This time we’ll talk about why you might or might not want to cash out your pension, based…
Did my employer remove the lump sum pension payout option?
If you’re planning to retire at the end of this year, and your pension has both an annuity and a lump sum payout option, you may be confused as to why you can’t look at the lump sum value for your planned retirement date. First, some background. A 403b or…
Can I go for a picnic today?
A rain/retirement parable Question: It’s fall. Can I go for a picnic today? The forecast is great! Thought process: The forecast is great. There’s a 0% chance of rain. Sure, I can go for a picnic. Reality: It didn’t rain today, but it had rained yesterday and the ground was…