What is a good day?
To know what a good day is to you, it helps to know who you are, and what you value. I’m not a real big believer in “quizzes”, those online personality tests that tell you you’re Harry Potter vs Snape, Riker vs Picard, etc. But there is value in some…
Riding the glider
I’ve mentioned how we were dealing with plumbing problems (1, 2). Unfortunately that saga continues. Which is a round about way of saying that for the second time ever, the first by myself, I was off to the laundromat today. My first experience at a laundromat wasn’t a great one….
Modeling giving to children
Children are inherently greedy creatures. At birth, that’s okay – baby’s needs are great, and any extra to give is almost non-existent. They eat, they sleep, they cry, they grow (and in mine’s case, that sleep part is merely a parental mirage). But by the time they become adults, we…
Science Experiment Sunday
Our local science fair will be happening this February, and my children are excited. How excited? It’s November, and today my 8 year old designed her own experiment, conducted her experiment, and documented her experiment. And reminded me several times that we need to buy the tri-fold board, so she…
Dinner time conversations, winning the lottery, and compound interest
I love family dinner. Family dinner and family driving are the times we have the BEST conversations. We aren’t chasing off in multiple simultaneous directions to cross another item from the overly-long chore list; we’re together, we’re talking, and nobody gets to be distracted. This weekend one dinner conversation included…