How did people used to pay for college? Why has that changed?
We talked about how attending college is now so expensive, they want far more than 4 years worth of money. Specifically, colleges want your (parents and children’s) savings, they want your current income, and they want your future income. Let’s start with some historical perspective. When my mom was headed…
Besides learning about the Expected Family Contribution calculation, what strategies can I use to maximize my college funding?
Being a student of note (academically, athletically, musically, whatever might earn you scholarships) Doing well on college entrance exams such as the ACT or SAT Studying hard in high school so you won’t just get into college, you’ll be prepared to stay in college Earning as many college credits in…
How can I afford to send my child to college?
Or in my case, it was “How can I afford to send my kids to college?”, since I have two of them. It’s a question on a lot of parents’ minds, as we hear about the burgeoning costs of a college education. It was certainly on my mind, when I…
Dates of Reckoning
One of the advantage of crisis schooling at home is that I often get to listen to what my kiddos are learning, via their distance classes. My big kid had been working through polygons in her math class. Today was the first day of circles; I was really glad we…