Trying a gratitude journal – the report 2 weeks in
Like many, COVID-19 news and the stress of 2020 have been getting me down. Two weeks ago Given the season is one of thanksgiving, two weeks ago I tried something completely new to me. I never expected to be someone to start journaling – I just don’t have the time…
What is your perspective on time?
How do you feel about time? Is it your enemy, or your ally? No matter your perspective on it, it does keep marching on regardless. Moments – We just had Veterans Day, thanking the men and women who have served, many of them in combat being shot at – where…
We can recover from anything except Zero
In some aspects of life, it’s pretty obvious that we need to stay above zero. In my favorite “low oxygen environment” (kayaking in the river), it doesn’t matter that I’ve had plenty of oxygen available to me for decades. If I put myself in a situation where I’m without oxygen…
As COVID-19 surges again, I’ve been laid off. Now what?
COVID-19 is surging in the upper Midwest, Minnesota, and Olmsted County. Hospitals are restricting visitors and deferring elective procedures. Companies that had been doing better during the summer months are once again facing income squeezes, and with that comes new rounds of furloughs and/or layoffs. It’s not necessarily your fault…
Can I go for a picnic today?
A rain/retirement parable Question: It’s fall. Can I go for a picnic today? The forecast is great! Thought process: The forecast is great. There’s a 0% chance of rain. Sure, I can go for a picnic. Reality: It didn’t rain today, but it had rained yesterday and the ground was…
Trust and Learning vs Shame and Ignorance
We just talked about how people in the United States would rather talk with their friends about sex than about money. Let’s carry the link between sex and money a little further today. Remember back to sex ed in elementary school, in junior high, with your parents, and possibly also…
Would You Rather Discuss Sex Or Money?
During a mentoring session last week, one of the panel said that in our country people would rather talk about sex than money, because that’s how much emotional baggage there is around money in our country. I thought this was surprising. My groups of friends have discussed money many times…
Start With Why
It’s inevitable, all parents will run into this at some point, today was just my day. The day you catch your kids lying, deliberately, at an age old enough to know both the difference between truth and lie, and old enough to know better. In fact, actually both yesterday and…
One stuffie too far
My whole family, like many others across America today, sat down together to watch the second attempt of the Demo-2 NASA/SpaceX collaboration rocket take astronauts Bob and Doug safely and successfully into space. My children, being young, had many questions. Mama, why are they going into space? Mama, what’s it…
Successful space launch
Today Americans watched with bated breath as astronauts Bob and Doug were successfully and safely launched into space. After having had the American space program effectively disassembled after the most recent launch, that of the Atlantis in 2011, it seems like an unlikely place to be. At the same time,…