The super power of flexibility
I’ve got to take a minute here to brag about my husband. I’m a planner, I am the reason the bills get paid on time, that there’s a meal plan, and groceries bought to support it. I’m the reason there’s consistently clean laundry (when we aren’t having plumbing problems), and…
But what can I do?
People are feeling very out of control currently, as the world is rapidly changing around them. After Friday’s press conference where the Minnesota governor was talking about how they didn’t plan to close schools, the Minnesota governor announced today (Sunday) that schools will be closed effective Wednesday. But some schools…
Why should I care about COVID-19?
While out shopping today, stocking up for the impending self-quarantine of much of my family and active avoidance of anywhere we don’t absolutely have to go, I was distressed by the number of conversations I was overhearing by people who continue to plan to attend or host birthday parties, by…
Caring for your community as COVID-19 approaches
How are you doing about the impending (or already present) infections in your community? When we can’t do much to control our own destinies, it’s human nature to be stressed. Here are ways I or members of my community have been taking control of small actions recently. I’ve verbalized to…
COVID-19 and teaching experiences for kids
COVID-19 is stressing many families right now. Parents are asking, what do I talk about with my children? From a financial perspective, in my family we are talking about what various people are doing. For example, we have accelerated purchases that we would normally make, in the form of non-perishables…
What’s happened elsewhere?
There’s a lot going on in the world right now. Some are struggling with the market volitility. Some are struggling with food instability, the need for a paycheck, and how they’ll handle child care. Others are struggling with what to do about COVID19. We don’t have a crystal ball, we…
Four walls
A lot of financial advisors are helping clients with the current down and volatility of the stock market. It’s true, what’s happened there is scary. Others are stressed about what to do about work due to infection. Occurrences for taking sick days, occurrences for staying home with children if schools…
Sex as a bear market
Setting: Middle school classroom Scene: Students squirming in their seats, or actively avoiding paying attention. Teacher at the front of the room, flushed and heavily sweating. PowerPoint display of male and female anatomy It’s middle school sex ed class. Nobody (students or teacher) is comfortable. None of the students want…
Class Choice
When I teach whitewater kayaking, the very first thing students learn to do is wet exit. That is, tip the boat upside-down, and get out. Without panicing. Why? Because it’s not IF your kayak tips over in whitewater, it’s only a matter of WHEN. Similarly, I teach my students to…