Would You Rather Discuss Sex Or Money?
During a mentoring session last week, one of the panel said that in our country people would rather talk about sex than money, because that’s how much emotional baggage there is around money in our country. I thought this was surprising. My groups of friends have discussed money many times…
Start With Why
It’s inevitable, all parents will run into this at some point, today was just my day. The day you catch your kids lying, deliberately, at an age old enough to know both the difference between truth and lie, and old enough to know better. In fact, actually both yesterday and…
Ups and Downs
I was catching up with someone today, entertaining them with stories of parenting while working during the months of stay at home time for COVID-19. Tales of distance learning. Life got a lot easier here once school ended, with my having to manage the executive functioning for the kids. “Where…
Dates of Reckoning
One of the advantage of crisis schooling at home is that I often get to listen to what my kiddos are learning, via their distance classes. My big kid had been working through polygons in her math class. Today was the first day of circles; I was really glad we…
Worrying about Grandma, aka the value (and limitations) of secondary data
My nonagenarian Grandma lives in Midland, MI. Home of the current floods that are making the news. I didn’t find out about the floods until too late at night to be making phone calls. And I love my Grandma, I would have a really hard time going to sleep if…
COVID-19 triggered mid-year benefits changes
One of the common questions I’ve been hearing lately is “I planned for XXX expensive, semi-elective surgery this year. Due to COVID-19 that surgery can no longer be done in 2020.” Or “I planned for XXX expensive, semi-elective surgery this year. Due to COVID-19 I can’t have that surgery right…
Ears Off
I was having a conversation a couple days ago with some other people in the profession, and we were talking about the challenges of working from home. Several had been working from home since long before COVID19 hit, but they were talking about how working with others was changing with…
Download your own free, no strings attached, COVID19 Symptom Tracker
I hope everyone is feeling well. Some people in my house are not (not that I think we necessarily have THE DISEASE, but several of us definitely are off-kilter). Being the data person I am, and knowing how much a good medical history can aid in making good medical decisions…