Trying a gratitude journal – the report 2 weeks in
Like many, COVID-19 news and the stress of 2020 have been getting me down. Two weeks ago Given the season is one of thanksgiving, two weeks ago I tried something completely new to me. I never expected to be someone to start journaling – I just don’t have the time…
What is your perspective on time?
How do you feel about time? Is it your enemy, or your ally? No matter your perspective on it, it does keep marching on regardless. Moments – We just had Veterans Day, thanking the men and women who have served, many of them in combat being shot at – where…
As COVID-19 surges again, I’ve been laid off. Now what?
COVID-19 is surging in the upper Midwest, Minnesota, and Olmsted County. Hospitals are restricting visitors and deferring elective procedures. Companies that had been doing better during the summer months are once again facing income squeezes, and with that comes new rounds of furloughs and/or layoffs. It’s not necessarily your fault…
Why do I want a good credit score?
Historically, individuals knew each other. The family unit knew whether they could loan money to Uncle Fred or if he was a drunkard who would squander it all. Church members knew if a farmer had been down sick and needed help getting their crops in at harvest time, or if…
Should I get long term care (LTC) insurance?
Historically, the family tribe was everything. Family was your support network when times got bad – when food got scarce, when brigands were attacking your village, when there were children in need of adopting, when work needed many hands, when children needed caring for, when you were sick, and when…
Did my employer remove the lump sum pension payout option?
If you’re planning to retire at the end of this year, and your pension has both an annuity and a lump sum payout option, you may be confused as to why you can’t look at the lump sum value for your planned retirement date. First, some background. A 403b or…
My employer is paying us back withheld pay, and giving us a thank you bonus, so what?
Many people across the US found their pay cut earlier this year due to COVID-19. Some employers have recovered more quickly than expected. When the two of those intersect, it may result in an employer giving employees back the portion of their salaries withheld earlier in the year. This is…
Is it a bad thing that my employer is refusing to participate in the payroll tax deferral?
So first, what is this payroll tax deferral? As part of the CARES act for economic relief during COVID-19, employers can choose to not withhold employee contributions to Social Security (6.2%) or Medicare (1.45%) for some employees, for a while. Is it a bad thing if my employer is refusing…
My employer is resuming our 403b/401k match, what do I need to do?
If your retirement contribution match was suspended earlier this year due to COVID-19, it’s possible that that match is resuming, as some companies are feeling more stable on their financial footing. Remember that your employer match is essentially free money that gets put into your retirement account by your employer,…
I paid off my mortgage! Now what?
This isn’t a “what do I do with my money next?” post. This is an important logistical point that is missed by many, and should be done before mentally moving on. First, what is a lien? A lien is essentially a statement that you don’t own an item in its…