One set of junk fees is going away
You know how when you go to buy a bed, the list price is never what you pay? There’s always all of those “extras”, many of which aren’t negotiable – their specific mattress pad cover that is extremely expensive and required in order to maintain their warranty, the extra mattress…
New car costs are at new highs
Have you been putting off replacing a car? We have been, but we’re getting closer to the point where that’s not going to be such a good idea anymore. As I’m starting to look at car costs, there’s a lot of unhappy numbers out there, for anyone buying with cash…
Driving and Aging and Parents, Oh My!
I had someone ask for resources on this topic this week. People don’t want to give up their keys. You knowing what danger signs to look out for, having them agree in writing before it becomes an issue, and providing/connecting them with alternatives that allow them to maintain independence, all…
Mileage rate change for the second half of 2022
Anything tax related is messy. Want an example of how messy? How about the fact we’re going to have two different mileage rates for 2022! That’s right, per the IRS today, the last 6 months of 2022 will have different mileage rates than the first 6 months of 2022. Mileage…
Aging and driving – when to give up the keys?
Nobody wants to give up their independence. And in American society, nothing represents independence quite the way being able to operate a car does. So when people age, the last thing they want to do is give up the car keys. When I was driving with the kids this weekend,…
Costs of financing
I got a brochure in the mail last month. “Get a car loan with us!” was the general theme. Now it was from my local credit union, and their rates are reasonable compared to other loan options, if borrowing money is what one plans to do for their car. But…