Wood Financial Services LLC


Jumping on a moving train – a metaphor

On December 1, 2023, Posted by , In Know thyself, With Comments Off on Jumping on a moving train – a metaphor

As a data scientist, I’m often brought into a research study after it’s been in motion for months or years. Similarly, financial planners don’t start life with you, they join you when you are already well along in life. These two situations have a lot in common – the situations…

Need a boost to your cancer treatment? Try financial planning

On November 26, 2023, Posted by , In Family,Insurance, With Comments Off on Need a boost to your cancer treatment? Try financial planning

For patients with a serious cancer diagnosis, their world can be spinning out of control. They have a new major emotional challenge, and a time and energy drain, as well as the obvious actual medical implications. But have you thought about the financial implications of getting a cancer diagnosis? Even…

Learn to better understand taxes using VITA instruction resources

On November 19, 2023, Posted by , In Taxes, With Comments Off on Learn to better understand taxes using VITA instruction resources

Many people find taxes intimidating. But they are just a set of rules, and unlike if you want to prepare taxes professionally, to do your own you only need to learn about the situations that impact you. If you want to learn more about preparing taxes, you can join the…

Minnesota and Federal student loan forgiveness and repayment programs for health care workers

On November 12, 2023, Posted by , In College, With Comments Off on Minnesota and Federal student loan forgiveness and repayment programs for health care workers

Public service loan forgiveness isn’t the only way to get your student loans forgiven, depending on your profession and employer. Already this fall we covered hospital registered nurse loan forgiveness through a new Minnesota program. Next we’re going to cover a few other existing programs in Minnesota and elsewhere. Minnesota…

Minnesota hospital registered nurses loan forgiveness

On November 5, 2023, Posted by , In College, With Comments Off on Minnesota hospital registered nurses loan forgiveness

Public service loan forgiveness isn’t the only way to get your student loans forgiven, depending on your profession and employer. Hospital registered nurses at non-profit hospitals got a boost in 2023 when Minnesota added a loan forgiveness program for them. Unlike federal programs, the Minnesota programs have limited application cycles…

Silence is not the same as consensus

On November 3, 2023, Posted by , In Uncategorized, With Comments Off on Silence is not the same as consensus

One of the people I work with on a non-profit board has a day job in the leadership development space. The last time we were running an event together, she gave an impromptu mentoring session to 5 women, including myself, about being a leader. It centered around her new favorite…

December is the new October – FAFSA timelines 2023

On November 2, 2023, Posted by , In College,FAFSA,Uncategorized, With Comments Off on December is the new October – FAFSA timelines 2023

Typically, October 1st is the first day you can complete the FAFSA each fall, for your student who will be in college the following August. In 2023, because of the transition from the Expected Family Contribution to the Student Aid Index, and the changes to the FAFSA form, the government…

November 1st means Open Enrollment is here

On November 1, 2023, Posted by , In Benefits,Open enrollment, With Comments Off on November 1st means Open Enrollment is here

If you are like many, your Open Enrollment period runs November 1st through November 15th. That means you have two weeks to select your benefit options. This is your opportunity to change your benefit elections for 2024, based on new understandings of how your benefits work, new changes to your…

Income tax tip – Charitable giving carry-over

On October 29, 2023, Posted by , In Taxes, With Comments Off on Income tax tip – Charitable giving carry-over

Introduction When you give a lot to charity, it’s nice to be able to deduct those contributions on your federal income taxes. What’s even nicer is that if you top out the amount you’re allowed to deduct within a given year, you can potentially claim those deductions in the future….

Just like acorns, your finances will grow in their own time

On October 28, 2023, Posted by , In Savings, With Comments Off on Just like acorns, your finances will grow in their own time

Image credit – Champaign County Forest Preserve District Did you know that oak trees coordinate their acorn production years, to ebb and surge together? A surge year is called a mast year, and the scientific hypothesis for the coordination is overwhelming the demand for acorns by rabbits, squirrels, deer, etc,…