Earning the Reviewer Award for the AMIA Informatics Summit
I was recently honored with a 2024 Reviewer Award for the AMIA Informatics Summit. Great! Um, wait, what does that mean, and why did they pick me?
Here’s how this award is described on their website:
AMIA appreciates the Scientific Program Committee members and Reviewers who went above and beyond in their service to the education offered at Informatics Summit by completing their reviews and meta-reviews prior to the deadline provided.
AMIA is the American Medical Informatics Association. They self-describe as “AMIA ® (American Medical Informatics Association ®) is a community committed to the vision of a world where informatics transforms people’s care. Over the last 35 years, the use of informatics has grown exponentially to improve health and to make better healthcare decisions. Today, informatics is the key to accelerating the current goals of healthcare reform.”
One of the many things AMIA does is run twice a year conferences, where current breaking medical research is presented by informaticians, for informaticians. In order to have high quality conferences, organizations rely on volunteer reviewers to review and curate what should be presented.
I’ve been reviewing for AMIA up to twice a year, for their Annual Symposium and their Informatics Summit conferences, since 2016. This means that I read a bunch of submitted research write-ups (manuscripts and abstracts, usually somewhere between 1-10 pages long), score them according to a grading rubric, and provide feedback to both the editor panel and to the authors. Given the number of pieces I am given to review, their length, and the feedback responsibilities, that’s usually an 8 hour commitment, twice a year.
And AMIA’s conferences are not the only things I serve as a volunteer reviewer for, I also review for a number of journals and other conferences. Yes, it’s a big time commitment.
Here’s notification announcement I received:
Dear Esteemed Reviewers,
I hope this message finds you well. It is with immense pleasure and gratitude that I extend our heartfelt congratulations to you on being selected as a recipient of this year’s Reviewer Award for the AMIA Informatics Summit.
Your dedication and meticulous effort in the review process have significantly contributed to maintaining the high standards and rigor that the summit is renowned for. Your ability to provide insightful, constructive feedback has not only enriched the quality of submissions but also facilitated a smooth and efficient review process. For this, we cannot thank you enough.
We are in the process of updating our website to include the list of awardees, and while it will be live shortly, we simply couldn’t wait to extend our congratulations to you. Your exceptional contribution deserves immediate acknowledgment, and we wanted to ensure you heard it from us directly at the earliest opportunity.
As a token of our appreciation for your outstanding contribution and to encourage your continued involvement, we hope you have already identified sessions you would be interested in chairing. Please rest assured that you will also be given priority in the selection pool for future Scientific Program Committees (SPC). Your expertise and dedication make you an invaluable asset to our community, and we look forward to your ongoing participation and leadership.
Once again, congratulations on your well-deserved award. We are profoundly grateful for your contribution and are excited about the potential of your continued involvement in shaping the future of the AMIA Informatics Summit.
Warmest regards,
AMIA Informatics Summit 2024 Organizing Committee
Thanks AMIA.
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