Planning your financial calendar for 2024
The hardest thing to do about tackling something new is to start. So I’ve started you off with an outline of what you might want to consider doing in 2024 on the financial front, so that all you have to do is put it on your calendar and do it.
Start off 2024 with goals. What do you want to accomplish? What do you want to save for, to spend on, to invest? Do you have an RMD you need to take, a 529 contribution you want to make, a tax return process you want to go more smoothly than last year?
As you get into February, be rounding up those tax documents. Make a list, based on what you needed last year plus any changes, and then get them to your tax preparer.
After your tax return is prepared and submitted, review your tax return. Should you be making estimated tax payments for 2024? What do you expect your cash flow to look like for the rest of the year?
Summer is flexible, make sure to fit in the family time during school vacation. While you’re at it, review your will, and make sure that your staff and beneficiaries are still who you want them to be. If you need to reconsider guardians for your children, seeing those new potential guardians to be during those vacations would give you a great time to broach the subject.
As summer wraps up, make sure your investment strategy is lining up with the investments you are holding.
Fall brings open enrollment and property tax payments, which makes it a natural time to re-assess your life, health, and property insurance.
Finally, spend some time in November thinking about year-end tax planning. Did you make your donations to charity, are you buckling down on meeting financial goals, are there any tax optimization moves to make before the end of the year?
And that’s it! There you go, a one-page list of tasks for 2024 for you to write in on your new calendar.