Need a financial discussion stimulator?
Certified Financial Planner Louis Barajas has presented in some of the education I’ve attended, and I’ve respected his community boosting attitude, so when I heard he was in a new PBS video series “Opportunity Knock$”, I decided to check it out:
I had my kids sit down with me to watch it. We only got through the 1st episode tonight, but it stimulated great discussion with my children: about common financial issues, how common is a general lack of financial education, and those candy bar/t-shirt for credit card traps on college campuses.
If you or anyone else you know needs an excuse to sit down with their kids to discuss financial literacy, it’s an easy and free way to approach the topic, but only available online for another few weeks. The first episode of this 6 episode mini-series goes offline as of December 25th, 2022.