Wood Financial Services LLC

In the Journal of Financial Planning – Hurdles for tax preparation

In the Journal of Financial Planning – Hurdles for tax preparation

On May 10, 2022, Posted by , In Taxes,Tina in other media, With Comments Off on In the Journal of Financial Planning – Hurdles for tax preparation

In the May 2022 issue of the Journal of Financial Planning, members of the Financial Planning Association community were asked to weigh in on the topic of what do we spend a lot of time doing, that we wish we spent less on?

I was quoted about two particularly time consuming hurdles for tax preparation:
-turning consolidated statements into meaningful tax return inputs, and
-dealing with late-breaking legislated tax changes.

What about you? How are you spending your time? Are there things that you are spending a lot of time on, that you wish you weren’t? Are they things you can delegate, minimize, or stop doing?

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