Wood Financial Services LLC

I’m a retiree, what does a 5.9% Social Security COLA mean to me?

I’m a retiree, what does a 5.9% Social Security COLA mean to me?

On October 16, 2021, Posted by , In Social Security, With Comments Off on I’m a retiree, what does a 5.9% Social Security COLA mean to me?

Yesterday we talked about why the recently announced Social Security cost of living adjustment for 2022 is important to people who are not yet Social Security claiming retirees.

Today it’s time to talk about those who are already claiming Social Security.

This list has less surprises, but it isn’t any shorter.

Now that you know the impact, here’s your to do list:

  • Track your expenses for November 2021.
  • Mark your calendar for mid-December 2021, to look for your individualized COLA notice.
  • Once it arrives, calculate how much of your expenses your new COLA-adjusted Social Security check will cover.
  • Calculate what the new 2022 monthly or quarterly withdrawal from your investment accounts will need to be, to cover your inflated expenses beyond your newly increased Social Security check.

You’re all set!

If you’ve got kids or grandkids, send them back to yesterday’s post so they can learn how it will impact them too.

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