Wood Financial Services LLC

Kayaking humor + Financial planning humor = Why buying a kayak is the smartest investment you’ll ever make

Kayaking humor + Financial planning humor = Why buying a kayak is the smartest investment you’ll ever make

On October 8, 2021, Posted by , In Investing,Know thyself, With Comments Off on Kayaking humor + Financial planning humor = Why buying a kayak is the smartest investment you’ll ever make

After having just finished the draining 7 day series of our FAFSA challenge, it’s time for something lighter. How about some humor?

I’ve written before about how buying a boat doesn’t have to be an expensive mistake.

But how about “Why Buying A Kayak Is The Smartest Investment You’ll Ever Make“?

Side note, though, I’ve got to dispute the $4k kayak investment. Most of my boats have been bought used, and except for my brand new custom fit slalom boat that wasn’t even $2k, most of them were a couple hundred dollars. I then proceed to use them for decades. The other equipment and the instruction isn’t free either, but together it adds up to another <$1k, including supplies your average flatwater boater would need such as air bags, spray skirt, helmet, elbow pads and hockey pads for when I want to go bogie boarding. Which means that kayaking is even a better investment than the author of the humor article proposes it to be 🙂

Happy boating!

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