Download your own free, no strings attached, COVID19 Symptom Tracker
I hope everyone is feeling well. Some people in my house are not (not that I think we necessarily have THE DISEASE, but several of us definitely are off-kilter). Being the data person I am, and knowing how much a good medical history can aid in making good medical decisions and getting appropriate care, I went hunting for a tracking sheet for COVID19 symptoms. I didn’t find good ones. They were requiring an app (no desktop version available), wanted your email address, one per email address (I manage all the data for our family of 4), the symptoms they wanted to track were minimal.
So as usual, I made my own tool. I’ve now got 4 sheets of paper living on the counter in the kitchen, so I can update them easily every time I pick up the thermometer multiple times a day to take everyone’s temperature. For our family, it’s chaotic enough that if it goes out of sight, it’s out of mind.
And if someone needs to be brought in to seek medical care, I have something I can hand the provider for their records.
You’re welcome to grab your own copy, which then you can modify any way you wish.
I hope you don’t need it. I hope you stay well.