The super power of flexibility
I’ve got to take a minute here to brag about my husband. I’m a planner, I am the reason the bills get paid on time, that there’s a meal plan, and groceries bought to support it. I’m the reason there’s consistently clean laundry (when we aren’t having plumbing problems), and our investment accounts get funded. That’s not bragging about me, that’s division of labor based on strengths and preferences.
My husband, meanwhile, is the reason when my plans A, B, C, and D are all thrown out the window, our family still flies instead of crashes. Someone came down sick? Rob to the rescue. Our house is a mess from (name your recent challenge of preference), company called us en-route for a surprise visit, Rob’s the reason we can open our front door without embarrassment (just don’t ask to see the storage room before- vs after- photos). The chicken necessary for the night’s meal plan went bad in the fridge well before its expiration date? A hodge podge dinner gets itself on the table because my husband wings it. Weird hardware or software problems that defy logic? My husband pokes and prods and experiments, and suddenly something works, that still doesn’t make sense even after the fact.
As we put it, I handle the black and white. My husband handles the gray. And as I’m sure you’ve noticed recently, the whole world is gray out there, and will stay that way for a while.
So while I’m the reason my family is ready for COVID-19’s increasing presence in Rochester and Olmsted County, my husband is the reason we’ll get through the day to day when everything goes south in ways that couldn’t have been planned for.
Thanks dear.
Does your family have someone with this superpower?