Sex as a bear market
Setting: Middle school classroom
- Students squirming in their seats, or actively avoiding paying attention.
- Teacher at the front of the room, flushed and heavily sweating.
- PowerPoint display of male and female anatomy
It’s middle school sex ed class. Nobody (students or teacher) is comfortable. None of the students want to learn the lessons – despite the fact it’s good for their future; because when you’re all emotionally involved with the person in front of you, unclothed, that’s not the time to have to learn about STIs and pregnancy prevention.
Similarly, financial advisors spend a lot of time during bull markets trying to prepare their clients and the public for bear markets. Usually to resistant ears, because who wants to plan for negativity in their future?
So yes, sex is like a bear market. It’s hard to get people to adequately prepare for the negative consequences of their first time. But that knowledge and pre-planning is good for us, if we can force ourselves through the uncomfortableness.
** One of my many-careered friends spent some time as a middle school sex ed teacher. I admire her emotional fortitude and willingness to undertake these educational efforts. Thanks to her, and those like her.